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Students Taking Regular Classes, Just Stop Bragging About Your Grades

I’m sorry, but I have to be the one to say it. Certain students who take regular classes should not be able to brag about their good grades! Of course, that’s great that they have good grades, but does it really matter if they aren’t challenging themselves? The answer is NO!

Some students who are qualified to take advanced classes but choose to take regular classes bring down AP/honors students once they find out they have better grades. For example, I have a friend named Diamond who, at the time, was taking honors classes while her friend, Amanda, was in regular classes (because she wanted an easier workload). After Diamond started talking about having a B in one of her classes, Amanda started to ridicule her for her B, while uplifting herself since she had straight A’s.

Diamond instantly got upset, because she felt Amanda had no right to bring her down, considering Diamond was working way harder in her AP classes than Amanda was in her regular classes. Although it was good that Amanda had straight A’s, I don’t feel she had the right to brag or bring down Diamond, considering she decided not to take a more challenging class and wasn’t working as hard as Diamond and every other student who takes AP/honors classes.

Students who take regular classes but are qualified to take AP/honors classes just don’t want to challenge themselves, which I see as being lazy. They aren’t trying as hard as they can, so they have no right to brag about getting better grades than AP/honors students, especially since AP/honors students tend to work at a faster pace and have harder work. To me, it’s like comparing Ariana Grande to Selena Gomez. They’re both great, but we all know who’s the more successful, most followed pop star.

For some students, I know they have certain circumstances so, of course, when they get good grades in regular classes, they should feel free to brag because they are working hard against specific adversities or obstacles. And other students who are genuinely working their hardest in their regular classes, even if they are not working against obstacles, they, too, should feel accomplished. Let me make that clear. Lots of students earn good grades and should be proud of that.

On the other hand, students who have the ability or the potential to take AP/honors classes, but don’t, should most definitely not be bragging to an AP/honors student about earning good grades in a regular class. And even more, they should not tear others down because they have “better” grades. Once they see they can get A’s in regular classes, why don’t they think “Maybe I should challenge myself?”

Until then, I don’t want to hear another student who is in regular classes bragging about their grades until they start applying themselves.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.



Summer Reyes
Summer Reyes
Sep 30, 2022

While reading this article it struck a cord with me personally because most people who take standard classes feel like they can bring down AP students because they are getting better grades. It's a process, you take a AP class to challenge yourself, it's not easy at all which is why it's a higher standard than normal classes. This brings me back to the stereotype that AP or honor students are naturally gonna be great at classes in the beginning or are supposed to know everything. Which is not right at all, as a AP student myself I feel like I put more pressure on myself because people believe it's easy, and you shouldn't complain because you chose the class.…


Natalie Pedroza
Natalie Pedroza
Aug 26, 2022

Just by reading the title "Students Taking Regular Classes, Just Stop Bragging About your Grades" I automatically agreed. Students that take regular classes should not have bragging rights for good grades. Everyone has a different opinion on what's difficult and what is not, and I think that depends on how motivated you were growing up education wise. Some students do belong in regular classes because that is the level they can handle and then there are the students that find a way to out smart the students in the regular classes when they know they understand things way too well to be in those classes. Then there are the students that actually like to challenge their selves and have a…


Valeria Contreras
Valeria Contreras
Mar 04, 2022

In Ty Williams article "Students Taking Regular Classes, Just Stop Bragging About Your Grades," Ty argues that students taking regular classes should not brag about their grades with someone who takes Ap/Honor classes . I agree because the statement "Students who take regular classes but are qualified to take AP/honors classes just don’t want to challenge themselves, which I see as being lazy." represents it so well. I think taking regular classes is taking the easy way all throughout high school . AP/Honor kids have enough pressure with passing the class having their friends belittle them is incredibly worsening it . Besides any friends to who belittle people are not friends .


Juan Avila
Juan Avila
Mar 04, 2022

In her article, "Students Taking Regular Classes, Just Stop Bragging About Your Grades," Ty Williams argues that students who take non-AP/honors classes should not brag about their grades to belittle students who are actually challenging themselves. I agree with Ty's claim because belittlement of any kind is certainly not welcome in a learning school environment which is suppose to be uplifting and collaborative. Another point of Ty's that I agree with is when she states, "Students who take regular classes but are qualified to take AP/honors classes just don’t want to challenge themselves, which I see as being lazy." This statement highlights that those students who are being lazy have no right to act as if they are better than…


Alexa Perez
Alexa Perez
Dec 18, 2020

Having been in honors classes and regular classes, I see no difference. AP students doing well or struggling, however, are gods to me. I do feel that If you are doing well you should brag if you want to, but not if its bringing someone else down. AP classes are tough even being able to pass regular classes can be tough for some people, we shouldn't tear them down for that.

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