While of course not everything at Rialto High is perfect, let’s take a moment to reflect on a few good things at Rialto High School, starting with the career center. The career center is run by Ms. Serena, also known as Ms. Hines and while some students may not know what she does, I took a moment to sit down with her and ask her some questions about her role at Rialto High School.
Q: To start off, what is a college and career tech/what does being a college and career tech mean to you?
A: As a College & Career Tech, my main objective is to ensure students have options after high school and are well equipped for pursuing their ideal passions, dreams, and goals. To be able to guide, motivate, inspire & encourage students in the development of their future surely fulfills my spirit. Knowing I can provide a level of support that may not otherwise be received makes every working day a great one.
Q: As the college and career center tech, how are you a resource to students?
A: I provide students with the most relevant information pertaining to all things College and Career (I may not always know everything but I do my utmost best to remain informed). I am a realist, yet firmly believe in following one's dreams, therefore, coming to me for advice means you're ready to receive the utmost truth (Life's journey is not always rainbows & sunshine).
Q: When is the best time to reach out to you?
A: I strive to be available to students at all times (except for my summer break, of course), therefore, I am available before school, during lunches & always after school. Students can reach out to me in person during school, via social media, or via email. I plan to get back in the habit of using Remind as that will be a more cohesive resource.
Q: How are you able to help underclassmen even though they aren’t necessarily needing to prepare for college or a career yet?
A: Actually, as things continuously change within college applications & their review process, students should most definitely start preparing for life after high school a lot sooner than commonly informed. I provide ninth and tenth graders with potential career guidance, volunteer opportunities, concurrent enrollment opportunities, summer internships/programs & a bit more. KNIGHTS! Challenge yourself often & early. You control your future, start now!!
Q: How are students able to develop a relationship with and get to know you?
A: Students can build the relationship with me as their College & Career Tech by participating in all events & informational sessions provided, asking questions, interacting via the RHS College & Career Center Instagram page: @rialtohscareercenter, responding to emails, utilizing all presented resources & simply popping in my office to say hello! Fun Fact: Stephen A. Smith was once my career idol. Therefore, I am a huge football fan (my fellow New Orleans Saints fans get extra brownie points.
Q: Along with helping students are you also able to help parents and teachers?
A: Parent involvement is crucial when it comes to student success. I look forward to providing more parent opportunities in the near future. If any of you have any ideas, send them my way. As for teachers, I try to remain available for any support whenever called upon.
While navigating through high school and your future may be challenging at times, Ms. Serena will always be there to help and support you along the way. Although she may not have all the answers, she most definitely is a great resource. There are no limitations to what she can try to help you with so try to follow up with her as much as possible and look to her for advice whenever needed.
If you have any questions that may not have been answered or are unsure where to find her, always remember she’s on the left side of the counseling center and is always here to help!
I must say, having Serena Himes as a guide into my future successes has thoroughly impacted the decisions I've made throughout my high school years. I have started my pathway into Chaffey through dual enrollment and have gotten ahead in regards to my college experience. I highly encourage that students take advantage of these possible advancements as they are beneficial to ones future. Mrs. Hines has been a big help and I will always be grateful for her advice!
Ms. Hines is so nice and understanding I am happy she was put on the spot light.
I love this interview with Ms. Hines. I learned a little bit about her and a lot about her job. I haven't utilized Ms. Hines as a resource, but after this interview I will.
Thank you Ms. Hines for all that you do!
I agree with your interview MS. Hines, because yes she is trying amazing and she isn't just doing her job she truly enjoys helping us succeed in no matter what it is,For example i got my workers permit and she told me the whole process i had to get threw and how long i had to wait for it