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Raising Siblings While Attending School Online

Are you raising your siblings while attending school online? I am, and I think many of you can relate.

Since the pandemic started we’ve been staying at home while our parents go to work to support us. So many students are failing and I can positively say it's because it's hard on us at home.

Nothing is the same.

Most of us who HAVE to take care of our younger siblings are struggling. Sophomore Alyssa Vigil has to take care of her two other siblings and shares, “It’s difficult to attend school, along with helping them, because they come in asking for help all the time while I’m in class.”

Then some of us have those siblings who just won’t leave us alone and who are constantly bugging. Add on to that some teachers barely understand how to work their computers to show us what to do. Vigil spends a lot of time with her siblings trying to help them understand what their teacher is trying to explain.

It’s chaos.

At this point, everyone is learning something new going through this pandemic. We are all going through trouble trying to understand what is asked of us. Raising siblings while attending school online is difficult because it's hard enough for us to even understand what we are supposed to be doing. I mean how many of you guys even understand what your teachers are asking you to do?

Sophomore Aerestel Martinez is the third oldest in her family of four, and she struggles daily. The effort of waking up her other siblings is pretty hard, especially because she has those siblings that kick and whine. Martinez is constantly multitasking and says, “I’ll have them eat breakfast while I set up the school stuff, with help from the second oldest.”

On the other hand, Sophomore Airam Diaz says raising siblings at home is not difficult for her. She says, “I don't mind, I love kids!” Diaz has two younger siblings and says that it's easy for her. She helps with homework and with what her baby sister needs. However, there are times when she has to leave her classes to check on her brother and sister.

I empathize with those who have to take care of their siblings while attending school online. It's difficult for me because my little brother wants to constantly play with me and my other siblings. And I know others are going through so many of their own scenarios.

Great job to those of you who have great grades while raising siblings at home. We all need help in these situations, but I want you to know that you aren’t the only one, if that makes it any better.



someone finally said it!


I agree, personal my mother doesn't work while my dad does but its me plus my four other siblings. I have to make sure I help my mom and my brothers and sister as much as I could possibly do. My family comes first but it is a lil hard with school involved.


Alexa Perez
Alexa Perez
Dec 18, 2020

I believe in the hard work of older siblings. I don't have a hardworking older sibling, but I do have an older brother.


Jair Hernandez
Jair Hernandez
Dec 18, 2020

I agree, distance learning is made harder with taking care of a sibling at the same time.


Ruby Montano
Ruby Montano
Dec 18, 2020

I agree that it can be hard to handle younger children although I have no younger siblings I feel for those who do.

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