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Knights of Compassion hosts a food drive at Rialto High School

Writer's picture: Raja Saadiq-SaoudRaja Saadiq-Saoud

If you looked in your pantry right now, what are the chances that you’d find some non-perishable food item that you wouldn’t really feel like eating? While you might not want to eat it, someone in need would gladly accept that food.

Wouldn’t it be great to give to the hungry this winter?

The Knights of Compassion, a community service-based club, is hosting a food drive right here at Rialto High School until Monday, November 7. The drive started on October 24. The main drop-off location is in history teacher and Knights of Compassion advisor Susan Pechinko’s room, E-113, but there are various donation boxes in many classrooms as well, so check with your teacher to see if you can donate in their room.

When donating, you can give a variety of different foods, ranging from a simple can of tuna, a bag of rice, or even some instant ramen.

Many teachers are offering a little extra credit for donating food, like Pechinko herself, while other teachers, such as Spanish teacher Helen Lee, believe that students shouldn’t just donate because of the extra credit, “[students] should do it out of the kindness of [their] own hearts.”

Knights of Compassion president Raylene Robles stresses the importance of everyone participating in the food drive if they can, acknowledging that “there is always going to be someone who is hungry out there and doesn’t have access to food.” In addition, while donating only a few cans may seem like not much of a difference, Robles adds “with a lot of people, the difference we make can be huge.” Being a member of Knights of Compassion since freshman year, Robles has seen how the club can make positive changes in the local community.

If you don’t have any canned or dried goods to give, or you missed the deadline for donating, don’t worry, the Knights of Compassion is scheduled to do a few more community service activities this year, with more information to be given in club meetings Thursdays in E-133.



rajas number1 fan
rajas number1 fan

Such an amazing article, wish I was able to donate when I had the chance :(


Cynthia Soto
Cynthia Soto

Yaaaaaas, so happy KOC was able to get so many donations!!!!

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