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Students Weigh-in on District-Wide Video

Rialto High School students respond to the Go Viral video shown during 2nd period today. There seem to be mixed reviews of the video.

The video was shown in response to the growing issues related to phones and social media. The Rialto Unified School District’s Safety Intervention & Support Services and Communication/Media Services Departments worked together on providing the video to students.

Administrator Ms. Linda Merino sent an email to teachers that specified they were required to show the video during their 2nd period class today, although many students reported that their teacher did not show the video.

Those students who did see the video had mixed reactions.

Senior Leah Lopez shares, “The message was really accurate of school life and the usage of phones within school,” but continues to say, “The pop-culture references felt a little unnecessary ... and the video was too long, kind of making it more boring.” Senior David Rosas-Torres says, “I liked the video, the angle it came from was very interesting and I liked learning about different peoples’ experiences with technology,” but, like Lopez, he believes the video was way too long.

Junior Jada Scott believes the video exaggerated the teenage experience and says, “I feel like there are much more important issues such as teen mental health awareness … the video blames social media for a teenager's source of problems, when there are much worse things such as school life, work, and home life.”

On the other hand, junior Sierra Peeden shares, “The video really represented a lot of our generation today, both with the wanting to connect and phone addiction. It really shows that reaching out to others and connecting with people can really help someone and maybe even yourself.”

English teacher Ms. Erika Campos gave her sophomore class a poll and asked for their thoughts about the video. Campos said that most of the comments were positive but there were some “hilarious criticisms about the music and presentation.” Sophomore Dulce Calero shares, “I thought it was cool. I liked how they included more modern things like Marvel, newer music, social media that kids actually use. I saw that they were really trying to connect to us.”

Freshman Daniela Ruelas says, “It was pretty interesting, not gonna lie. It did tell truths about how phones can be addicting,” while freshman Carlos Gutierrez says, “It was long.” Like many other students mentioned, freshman Jovanna Salazar agreed that a lot of students were not paying attention, but she says that the video was still educational, although she rates it a 5 out of 10.

Overall, it seems that RHS students have mixed reviews for the Go Viral video.

What were your thoughts?



I understand the point of the video but I felt like I gained nothing from the video and wasted 36 minutes watching that when I could've been doing something else. The pop culture references were fine and the hospital part made me kind of happy but other than that it was boring.


Brianna Salinas
Brianna Salinas
Oct 05, 2021

Parts of the video was true, but they just made it into a bigger deal then it actually is.


Ethan Baldwin
Ethan Baldwin
Oct 05, 2021

The video was terrible but I understand the point it was trying to make. I feel like nobody really cares. It has no affect on the students because it barely even really happens.


Elijah Rodriguez
Elijah Rodriguez
Oct 05, 2021

I could not even pay attention to the video for longer than two minutes, I felt that it was something that would not have an affect on students.

Keshion Mackel
Keshion Mackel
Oct 05, 2021
Replying to

Same here the video was just to long not gonna lie. I would often just stare in space during the video.


Brianna Valdez
Brianna Valdez
Oct 05, 2021

I felt that the video had some good points in it, but at the same time had unnecessary things such as the random movie clips.

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