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Join date: Oct 1, 2022


Khamiyah Anderson is a dreamer at heart. She’s believes she will achieve her dreams if she works for them. Anderson’s love for reading and writing started when she was young. In elementary, she spent a lot of time in the library reading and discussing books. The only clear certainty in Anderson’s life was that she wanted to be a published author. So naturally, her favorite subject is English, and she joined the 2021 Journalism club. Journalism provides her the opportunity to learn how to combine different writing styles, and share her passion with the world, so that it may influence a change in others. Some of her favorite things are listening to music, researching, and hanging out with friends and family. Now, as one of the editors for the Medieval Times, Anderson looks forward to working with many talented writers to keep the people of Rialto informed and entertained.

Khamiyah Anderson

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