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A Certain Kind of Hunger

Writer's picture: Livia RollieLivia Rollie

Methamphetamine is a derivative of Amphetamine, both were developed as an alternative to ephedrine. A Japanese pharmacologist first synthesized methamphetamine in 1919. The drug, at the time, was used to treat narcolepsy, mild depression, and a load of other health problems.

Meth was also used highly in War World II by Japan, Germany, and U.S. troops to enhance their performance and endurance. After the war, meth by injection was used so much that it reached epidemic levels. The excess of meth left over from the war was made available to the Japanese public. There was an estimated 5% of people from the ages of 18 to 25 taking the drug.

Long term meth abuse has many consequences, including addiction. Addiction is a disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse negative effects.

This is the cycle meth addiction usually takes on people; the rush, the high, the binge, tweaking, the crash, meth hangover, and withdrawal. A meth abusers' most dangerous stage of addiction is tweaking, as many as half of all meth users “tweak.” Eventually, the actual desire for drugs is more important than the feelings it gives you. After a long use, the person is no longer able to experience a high. At some point they experience auditory and visual hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, etc.

Tweaking leads to aggression and violence.

A Pontoon Beach, Illinois man who was high on meth when he killed his wife, then himself. In Portland, a woman on meth was convicted for killing her one year old child, strangling her with a scarf. In California, a meth addicted mother was arrested for locking her two young children in a cold, cockroach infested garage. There have been cases in Phoenix, Denver, Chicago, and California of mothers accused of murdering their babies while under the influence of meth.

In addition to crime, the health effects of using meth are catastrophic. Meth lands more people in hospitals than ecstasy, ketamine, and GHB combined. People who don’t overdose on meth can still die from it, meth can contribute to thoughts of suicide and lethal accidents.

Researchers from the NIDA (National Institute of Drug Abuse) analyzed data from 2015 to 2019, they found that meth overdose deaths in the U.S. had almost tripled. The number of deaths linked to methamphetamine use in the U.S. rose from 5,526 to 15,489 a year.

My point, don’t use meth.


Yan Victor Oyama
Yan Victor Oyama
May 17, 2022

It is sad that deaths from methamphetamine have increased between 2015 and 2019. It is true that Meth is bad for everyone and should not be taken since it has no benefits for individuals who do not have medical issues and can lead to death, harsh punishment, or difficulty. Meth, according to Livia Rollie, no longer gets a person high and instead makes them dizzy with delusions and suicidal ideas.


Abdi Rios-Medina
Abdi Rios-Medina
Mar 04, 2022

In her article, " A Certain Kind of Hunger," Livia Rollie informs her readers that Methamphetamine can cause addiction and even lead to death. Livia points out that Methamphetamine has tripled in death from 2015 to 2019, she also states that her point is to stop people from using meth. With a negative fact about methamphetamine, she has convinced me to agree with her since Meth isn't beneficial to anyone who doesn't have a medical condition. To support her argument she says that meth makes people addicted and even uses negative anecdotes of some people who used meth frequently who had died because of it or got in serious trouble. In addition to Meth messing up peoples lives, Livia also…


Jennifer Casillas
Jennifer Casillas
Mar 04, 2022

In Livia Rollie's article "A Certain Kind of Hunger" she explains how meth is a really deadly drug and can turn to a really bad addiction causing you to be violent and aggressive. For example in her article she explains how there was a guy who was high on meth and killed his wife and himself. Then she explains how there was a women on meth who killed her on year child with a scarf. I agree with Livia Rollie because meth is causing a lot of deaths around the world and affecting people badly. We shouldn't use meth because not only does it affect you and your health in general, but it can lead you to doing things you'll…


In her article, "A Certain Kind of Hunger," Livia Rollie advises us viewers that we shouldn't use meth. And I agree with her because that type of drug is very deadly and it can make you have an addiction and that is all you will rely on to make you feel good. For example, we know that there were many famous actors that have died from doing these hard drugs. And we know how the story goes they aren't content with their life and they are not happy anymore so they start doing these things. That is why I think this article is a good one because Livia explains how meth was used and abused and how people used it…

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